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Pond Care for Dummies

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

essential aspects of pond care

There are several essential aspects of pond care that a beginner should understand. This article will cover biological filtration, plants, filters, and herbicides. Keeping your pond full is essential throughout the year. Keeping the water temperature at an optimum level is also crucial during the winter, as ice on the pond's surface reduces the water's temperature.

Biological Filtration

To benefit from biological filtration in your pond, you should ensure clean water. The pumping system forces the water to flow through the filter, where the bacteria are forced to break down the toxins. You should choose an artificial filtration system if you don't have the time or money to maintain a natural pond. However, you should know that this type of filtration is not ideal for your pond.


Before you add plants to your pond, it is crucial to understand the proper time for fertilizing and restocking. In general, you should wait until vegetation becomes a problem before restocking. Adding too many grass carp to your pond will cause poor water quality. Too few plants will also affect sportfishing.


There are two main types of pond filters: biological and mechanical. The biological type of pond filer can break down harmful substances into less toxic components—biological and mechanical filtration work by breaking down the waste from the fish. The biological filtration process is essential if you plan to stock your pond with fish because the waste from the fish can be harmful if the levels get too high. A biological filter helps to reduce this waste by reducing the concentration of ammonia and nitrates in the water.


While many people may think of herbicides when they think of pest control, they are very safe for aquatic life. While some herbicides can be dangerous for people and pets, they pose no threat to marine life. To ensure that your pond is clean and sustainable for all of your aquatic animals, you must read the label and follow the directions to the letter. Herbicides for ponds can be used on plants and marine life.

Aquatic Plants

Creating clones of aquatic plants is vital to ensure their longevity and health. Propagation methods vary, but the most common involves stem cuttings. Stem cuttings involve cutting sections of parent flora and planting them in new soil. As with any other plant, the cuttings must develop their own roots. While "sexual propagation" is another method, it is often time-consuming and ineffective. Regardless of the technique, stem cuttings are the most common and fastest way to grow new growth.

Water Temperature

While many types of fish can survive in temperatures between 35 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit, it's essential to be aware of the coldest water temperatures for ponds. In winter, if temperatures drop below this range, you can prevent fish from dying by freezing. However, if your area is prone to frigid winters, you may want to invest in a pond heater. 

Covering Your Pond In Winter

Winter is the perfect time to cover your pond. A cover will prevent debris, ice, and predators from entering the water. A solid gazebo or pergola will protect your pond from harsh winter weather and add aesthetic value to your property. If you don't want to spend a lot of money on a cover, choose chicken wire or plastic tarps. Both options protect your pond from the elements, but gazebos have more benefits than pergolas.

Maintaining A Healthy Fish Population for pond care

The water quality of your pond has a lot to do with the fish's survival. Depending on where you live, ponds may be naturally alkaline or need a lime treatment to improve pH levels. The alkalinity of your water is determined by the number of carbonates dissolved in limestone. Plants also take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and fish require oxygen to survive. Hence, it's crucial to maintain oxygen-rich water quality in your pond.

UVC Lights for Pond Sterilization & Clarity

When it comes to pond sterilization and clarity, a UVC Light may be a solution that helps mitigate the appearance of pond algae and bacteria. At pondcare, our JEBAO STU UV Sterilizer & Clarifier is an excellent tool for pond owners to cultivate a clean, healthy, and stable aquatic environment for the wildlife in your pond. 

Over time, microbes begin to accumulate, and this includes protozoa parasites and bacteria. Over a short period, these microbes can cause filtration issues and reduce water clarity while compromising your fish's immune systems.

You may be wondering if your pond requires both a UV clarifier and a UV sterilizer and what the differences are. In some cases, you may only wish to “clarify” your pond, which is a less intensive method of removing algae and bacteria and eliminating the green tinge to your pond.

To positively impact the health and lifespan of the fish in your pond, a sterilizer will help eradicate parasitic protozoa such as “ich” and “costia”— parasites which affect koi, goldfish and other common types of fish. Even if your pond is relatively clean, introducing a new fish to your pond can bring a plethora of parasites and associated health complications to your aquatic life. For these reasons, it is best to use quality UVC Clarifiers and Sterilizers to ensure a clear and healthy pond. If you require UVC Stabilizers and Clarifiers for your pond near Surrey, BC, browse our selection or get in touch today at (604) 808-3908.

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